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There are currently 419 episodes in our WFF archive, browse through them all here, subscribe to our RSS feed here , or have a search...

Ep 122: Javier Jarquin – World’s Worst Assassin Monday, June 17th, 2019

We’ve got the World’s Worst Assassin firmly in our wavering crosshairs today, with comic and card-ninja Javier Jarquin as our killer guest It’s jam-packed with familiar figures like Lincoln, Rasputin and Nero, as well as some lesser known stories Ben tells tales of booby-trapped Nazi chocolate, Javi finds a ninja in his toilet and Barry reminds us all to check the best-before date on your cyanide before purchase Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @ThisJavier Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us so we can continue bringing this encyclopaedia of silliness to you weekly! https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Best of the Worst of the Best, History & Politics, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 122: Javier Jarquin – World’s Worst Assassin

Ep 121 – World’s Worst Host with guest judge Lydia Mizon Monday, June 10th, 2019

After 120 episodes we thought we'd finally dispense with a guest and go toe to toe  Barry and Ben duke it out over who the worst host of all time is, with special guest judge (and $10/month Patreon donor) Lydia Mizon deciding the winner Together they reveal morbid Roman dinner parties, give the elevator pitch for the new show 'Celebrity Slaps' and discover yet another very weird slice of Japanese hospitality Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @lydiamizon  Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us so we can continue bringing extra content JUST LIKE THIS to...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Miscellaneous, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 121 – World’s Worst Host with guest judge Lydia Mizon

Ep 120: Johnny Chiodini – World’s Worst D&D Class Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Spellcasting - AWFUL! We are led through the dark and dingy underworld of the legendary roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons by writer, performer, video game expert, Eurogamer content-maker, and professional Dungeon Master Johnny Chiodini With Johnny's expertise we seek out the World's Worst Class (that world being that of D&D, not the stratified capitalist hellscape we're all currently inhabiting) There are notable appearances by the wizards of the Ku Klux Klan, the Chesney Hawkes warlocks and the vagabonds and vagrants of the United States, with shout-outs to Charlie Sheen, Machiavelli, and Cthulu Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @johnneh Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us so we can continue bringing extra content JUST LIKE THIS to you! https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Hobbies & Games, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 120: Johnny Chiodini – World’s Worst D&D Class

The Third Foot – Fertility Treatments (Bonus Episode) Friday, May 31st, 2019

It’s your May Bonus Episode, thanks to our supporters on Patreoncom, and this time we are revisiting the episode with Dr Keir Shiels about the World’s Worst Doctor Our winner was John R Brinkley whose practice of putting goat-balls into human ballsacks to treat impotence leads Ben to take us through a history of fertility treatments There are welcome returns for Pliny The Elder, the Malleus Maleficarum and the wandering womb, as well as plenty of animal body parts and urine - just a typical episode for us here at WFF Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us so we can continue bringing extra content JUST LIKE THIS to you! https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Third Foot, Worst Foot Forward

The Third Foot – Fertility Treatments (Bonus Episode)

Ep 119: Katie Pritchard – World’s Worst Allergy Sunday, May 26th, 2019

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCHOOOOO! We bring you this week's episode with streaming eyes and ruby red nose as we dip or toes tentatively into the pretty grim world of allergies Our guest - musical genius and comedy joy-bomb Katie Pritchard - shares her own unique tasting menu of allergies, whilst Ben fails to keep a straight face about allergies to electricity, semen and blackberries and Barry recalls the findings of our old friend Pliny the Elder and some truly horrifying dog-bothering Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @katieprichards Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 119: Katie Pritchard – World’s Worst Allergy

Ep 118b: Best Of The Worst Of The Best 5 Sunday, May 19th, 2019

Once more we go back into the past with some positive vibes this time We revisit episode 21 to 25 in search of the World's BEST in the categories of MMA Fighter, Kids Movie, Cook, Lodgings and Screen Actor There are some big hitters in here with the likes of The Wizard Of Oz, Heston Blumenthal and Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece, Fallingwater And there are some more surprising appearances for the likes of a Greek statue falling on its opponent, Glenn Close in a beard, and Ben's mum Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Best of the Worst of the Best, Miscellaneous, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 118b: Best Of The Worst Of The Best 5

Ep 118: Chloe Petts – World’s Worst Mascot Monday, May 13th, 2019

This week we enter the surprisingly murky world of mascots with stand-up comic (and former Crystal Palace mascot) Chloe Petts for company  There's a cornucopia of delights inside this week including cocaine-dealing parrots, indestructible cats, swans committing GBH and a former Tory MP, with tattooed eyebrows being transformed into a ship's figurehead Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @ChloePetts Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 118: Chloe Petts – World’s Worst Mascot

Ep 117: Alexander Bennett – World’s Worst Scientific Fraud Monday, May 6th, 2019

Pop on your lab coats and join us down in the Worst Foot Forward labs as we uncover a carnival of quackery, forgery and all sorts of morally dubious activity done in the name of human progress At the behest of one of our Patreon supporters we took a look at some of the world's worst scientific frauds and uncovered the story of the Piltdown Man (mammoth tusk cricket bat and all), how to make gold from seawater and why a certain species of toad are really into S&M Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @AlexyBennett Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 117: Alexander Bennett – World’s Worst Scientific Fraud

Ep 116: Lauren Johnson – World’s Worst Prince Monday, April 29th, 2019

Behind every king or queen there always seems to be a witless eldest son, a dissipating and disappointing heir or some conniving offspring waiting next in line We're joined by historian and author Lauren Johnson who takes us through some lacklustre lineage in search of the World's Worst Prince We hear some classic gaffes from Prince Philip, encounter some badass con artists, shed light on the Dark Ages and meet the man behind the legend that is Disney's Prince John Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @History_Lauren Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, History & Politics, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 116: Lauren Johnson – World’s Worst Prince

The Third Foot – Theophilus Marzials (Bonus Episode) Friday, April 26th, 2019

In the second of our monthly bonus episodes, courtesy of our fantastic fans on Patreon, we revisit a former winner of an episode: Theophilus Marzials, our World's Worst Poet Barry recites some of his poetry including the legendary 'A Tragedy' (plop!) as well as some of the critical reaction at the time, we hear of his shenanigans in the British Museum and we also learn about his alma mater's other famous alumni Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Art & Literature, Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Third Foot, Worst Foot Forward

The Third Foot – Theophilus Marzials (Bonus Episode)

Ep 115: Alasdair Beckett-King – World’s Worst Saint Monday, April 22nd, 2019

This week's episode has been thoroughly spot-checked by a crack team of cardinals preparing Barry, Ben and their guest, comedian and animator Alasdair Beckett-King for canonisation There's the usual rogues gallery you'd come to expect from the Catholic Church, plus a very good dog, a very bad murderer and our old pal Simeon Stylites, doing unspeakable things from atop an enormous pillar Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @MisterABK @Loremenpod Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, History & Politics, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 115: Alasdair Beckett-King – World’s Worst Saint

Ep 114: Jonathan Shariat – World’s Worst Design Flaw Monday, April 15th, 2019

Our guest this week is perfectly designed in every way to give us an insight into the World's Worst Design Flaw A designer and author of the book Tragic Design, Jonathan Shariat is also a podcaster with a bone to pick with the Florida ballot papers during the 2000 US Presidential Election Ben turns his fire on badly designed guns (and promptly shoots himself) and Barry has a wander through the history of QWERTY Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @DesignUXUI Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Science & Nature, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 114: Jonathan Shariat – World’s Worst Design Flaw

Ep 113: Kyle Ross & Joel Samuels – World’s Worst Manager Monday, April 8th, 2019

This week we don our sheepskin jacket (with a bribe sown in the lining), enjoy a cheeky post-match half (plus a wee nip from our hip flask) and stand on the sidelines hollering impotently into the wind, as we reveal the worst managers of all time Alongside our guests from the Absolute Worldie podcast we discover the very formal early history of Scottish football, a black magic bank job, the astonishing tale of Nicholas Anelka's blagging younger brother and why you should never prank a Belgian goalkeeper during the World Cup Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @WorldiePodcast Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 113: Kyle Ross & Joel Samuels – World’s Worst Manager

Ep 112: Andrew Somerville – World’s Worst Algorithm Sunday, March 31st, 2019

We're in uncharted waters this week, as Ben and Barry are confronted with technology far beyond their understanding, otherwise known as our guest Andrew Somerville An immersive theatre-maker and tech whizz (we don't really understand IT job titles), Andrew's experience is brought to bear on the World's Worst Algorithms, with the boys tagging along gamely in his brainy wake There's plenty to enjoy, from the story of Ada Lovelace, the chilling effects of living in online bubbles, and the man who can definitively tell us where Wally is Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @SomervilleA Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of Podnose:...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Science & Nature, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 112: Andrew Somerville – World’s Worst Algorithm

Ep 111: Sarah Jones – World’s Worst Smell Monday, March 25th, 2019

Hold your noses and dive into the open sewer of the most olfactorily repulsive episode yet Joined by Sarah Jones, an expert on microbes, minerals and a bunch of really pungent jobs we delve into the eye-watering world of the world's worst smell  There are tales of the Asian "King of Fruits", canine flatuomancy and The Great Stink, plus our old friends at the World War 2 Special Operations unit turn up again with yet another plan to win the war using maverick means We might all come up smelling of roses by the end Axl Rose's post-show gusset Follow us on Twitter: @worstfoot @bazmcstay @benvandervelde @Sarah_Jokes Visit wwwworstfootforwardpodcastcom for all previous episodes and you can donate to us on Patreon if you’d like to support us as we venture forth into professional recording studios: https://wwwpatreoncom/WorstFootForward Worst Foot Forward is part of...

Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, Podcast, Science & Nature, Worst Foot Forward

Ep 111: Sarah Jones – World’s Worst Smell