Ep 57: Matt Stellingwerf – World’s Worst Punishment
- Released: Monday, February 12th, 2018
https://open.spotify.com/episode/5nGPXiA8i9sdDJ1zEExSUV?si=ac934bebb9eb422a Filed Under: Barry McStay, Ben Van Der Velde, History & Politics, Podcast, Worst Foot Forward
We’re joined this week by award-winning Kiwi comic and former criminologist Matt Stellingwerf to cover a seriously grisly topic: the world’s worst punishment. This episode comes with a serious content warning as we delve into the depths of human behaviour to discuss capital punishments with the sort of inventiveness normally reserved for Wallace and Gromit. Our search takes us from medieval Spain to Enlightenment Sweden, with nods to Greek myths, Greek history and depressing American present. You’ll learn a lot in here and hopefully come away not too depressed about the nature of humanity…
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